Monday, March 3, 2008

Heavy Hitters

When I was at the cereal store last week Diana and I saw these. I told myself I wouldn't buy any more cereal since between Irish and I we have >20 boxes on top of the fridge right now (pics/video soon) but I really couldn't pass this up.

Each box is about 1.5 pounds (24 and 24.5 oz) and they were 3 dollars each. Even the clerk standing nearby said you can't beat that.

Over 3 pounds of sugar and cereal for 6 dollars.

It's kind of ridiculous...

1 comment:

Alex said...

A little off topic, but check it out: there's a restaurant coming to town where you eat cereal. Just cereal and milk, and I think maybe stuff you mix in. I found out about it while looking for jobs on Craigslist. You could work there and tell 'em how to run their business. I think this is the franchise website: