Monday, May 14, 2007

Limited Edition: Spider Man 3 Cereal!!!

I picked this up a couple of weeks ago for about 2 dollars. It's Spider Man!!! If this isn't as exciting as cereal gets, I'm not sure what is.

In addition to pimping out the Spider Man license to established brands of cereal, General Mills went and gave Spidey his own "Lightly Sweetened Fruity Corn Puffs" cereal available for a limited time. I remember when the Ninja Turtles movie, either 1 or 2 came out, there was a promotional cereal that was essentially lucky charms but with Ninja Turtle shapes. My parents caved in and bought it for me. After that, I always wanted to have Ninja Turtle cereal again but didn't quite grasp the concept of "limited time only".

Well, I'm 21 years old now and I think I can spot these sweet opportunities when they come around.

Just looking at the box, you could conclude a couple of things. 1) That Spider Man has taken a break from fighting crime to steal the photographer's most important meal of the day right from under her/him. Or 2) that the thick ass "milk" in the bowl and that strange white fluid coming out of Spidey's suit are somehow related. Eew. Or some combination of the 2.

The actual cereal is just Kix but with sugar/food dye. You know how Mom and Dad are suppose to approve of Kix because there's no sugar added, it's just naturally sweet? Well this is what Kix would be like if the kids got their way.

I didn't get the color scheme until I poured myself bowl and it screamed SPIDER MAN to my face. Maybe the white stuff in the bowl on the cover clouded my interpretation.

Other than that, it's interesting to note the "puzzle" on the side is the Spider Man version of shoving a square peg into the round hole. Can you match up 3 entirely different photos that have been ripped in half? I mean come on! If kids are old enough to feed themselves, they could solve this in 10 seconds tops. Way to lower the bar and give the kids a false sense of accomplishment General Mills.


Jillian said...

Hi alejandro!

first of all I have to give you props on starting a blog about cereal.

hey, have you heard the serial killer joke? It's good stuff.

Second, why the hell haven't I seen this spider man cereal? And why does it look green!?

In conclusion, you get mad skill points for eating that because it definitely doesn't look edible.

Louie Mercado said...
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Louie Mercado said...

I'd have to agree that the thick ass milk that is coming out of spider-man's wrists is very nasty.
If i was a kid looking at this picture, i wouldnt buy it cuz i know i dont want spider webs all over my cereal.

this is louie btw.

quanmadrid said...

I don't think the web is suppose to be milk. It all just seems to blend together.

Anonymous said...

What magnificent phrase